Diploma in Performance Nutrition


Level 5 Diploma in Performance Nutrition  


Level 3/4 Diploma in Personal Training or higher


12 - 15 weeks


Customised Learning Experience

Fully tailored to your needs, award-winning e-learning platform, video instructions, digital libraries, 24/7 Support 

Recognised & Accredited

APEC’S Diplomas are accredited by prestigious professional organisations.

Accessible Payment Options

APEC offers multiple payment options to make the course more affordable and accessible for everyone. Training Support Grants accepted. 

Career Guidance & Progressions

Become a competitive & industry-ready professional upon the course completion, supported by our job search assistance 

What You’ll Achieve

Upon successfully finishing the Diploma in Performance Nutrition, you will acquire a diverse range of qualifications essential for advancing your career, whether your focus is on working with high-performance athletes or the general population. This course serves as the cornerstone of any coach’s framework for offering optimal nutrition advice.

  • Diploma in Performance Nutrition 
  • Certificate in Nutrition For Health 
  • Certificate in Nutrition For Physical Activity & Sport Performance 
  • Certificate in Communication
  • Certificate in Behaviour Change 
Course Sample
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan

The APEC coaching philosophy module provides you with coaching tools to help create a good process of coaching. Having a philosophy gives a coach clear guidance on the objectives that should be pursued and how to achieve them.

The communication module sets you up to communicate effectively and efficiently with your clients. The module will cover everything from pitch and tone of your voice right through to different communication methods such as para verbal, none venerable, body language and listening skill.

The behaviour change module is designed to help you break down and understand the different behaviours people exhibit around exercise and diet. The module focuses on soft skill development for coaches to help people break personal habits and attitudes.

In order to know how food can affect your body and your performance you must first learn how your body breaks down and processes food. This module focusses on the processes and organs the make up the digestive system.

In this module we will look at calories and the energy balance equation, everything we eat has a caloric value here we explore what that value means and how the body uses calories for energy.

Carbohydrates are one of the three macro nutrients our body needs. In this module we take an in depth look at carbohydrates and why the body needs them along with some of the common misconceptions around carbs.

Fats are the second of our three macro nutrients; in this module we take a look at dietary fat its functions in the body and why it is a vital part of a well-rounded diet.

The final macro nutrient is protein, protein has long been seen as a bodybuilding staple, in this module we examine why protein is important for overall health As well as muscle growth, what protein is made up of and how much protein you should be consuming.

In this module we explore what makes one food source better than another. We look at how not all calories are created equal and how to ensure that you are getting all you can from your diet.

Water is one of the most basic human needs, without we would die in a matter of days, in this module we examine the functions of water through-out the body, how much water you should be drinking and also how to identify dehydration.

Fad diets are a huge part of the nutritional landscape at the moment, most people have tried a fad diet at some stage in their life. In this module we look at some of the most popular fad diets at the moment, the thinking behind the, and also the dangers or side effects associated with them.

In this module we focus on the female athlete. We look at how the diet can affect your menstrual cycle and vice versa as well as nutritional deficiencies that are more common in females.

In this module we look at how we can tailor our diet to optimise our performance, we have looked at how the macro nutrients effect our overall health now we will explore how we can utilise different macronutrients at different times can benefit our performance.

In this module we look at how we can tailor our diet to optimise our performance, we have looked at how the macro nutrients effect our overall health now we will explore how we can utilise different macronutrients at different times can benefit our performance.

Dehydration is one of the biggest inhibitors to performance in a game situation. In this module we explore why dehydration is so detrimental to performance and techniques and strategies we can use to keep athletes hydrated.

In this module we explore how the finer details of nutritional programming for performance and recovery. We look into programming techniques and strategies from game day to full season plans detailing how we can put athletes in the best position to perform and improve game after game season after season.

Sports nutrition is a huge business and unfortunately that means there is a lot of suspect supplements out there that have to be navigated through. In this module we look at some of the most beneficial scientifically backed supplements for performance Aswell as looking at how to identify supplements making false claims.

Anti-doping is a huge part of sport especially at an elite level. In this module we explore the anti-doping processes athletes will have to go through and also how to identify if a certain food or supplement are banned. 

Diploma in Performance Nutrition

 100 / month for 16 months and a  149 sign-up feeSign up now

per month for 16 months + 149 sign up fee

 1,599 for 1 yearSign up now

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